Last month we were lucky enough to reach a million downloads of our app Discovr, and I wanted to share the books that have helped us to get there. Listed below are nine books that I’ve read in the last year that have helped us a lot when we were building Discovr...
Too many people are playing it too safe. If you never leave the safety of the shore, it's impossible to build something truly great. Who would sail to the edge of the earth? For the chance of finding an undiscovered land? Columbus sailed. Past storms. Past seas. Past monsters that he imagined real...
Recently I’ve been inspired by Brad Feld who talks about going off the grid to get more done, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who talks about the state of flow. I definitely do my best work when I have long periods of uninterrupted time to think and experiment. So to help me reach and stay in flow, I started a regime about...